Code of Conduct and Compliance Training - Altais

Code of Conduct and Compliance Training

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct outlines employee expectations and our commitment to the right thing.

Provider Training Requirement

Providers that are contracted with Brown & Toland to provide care to Medicare Advantage enrollees are required to complete CMS General Compliance and Fraud, Waste and Abuse (FWA) trainings within 90 days of contracting with Brown & Toland and annually thereafter.

Please click on the following link to access the General Compliance and Fraud, Waste and Abuse trainings:

Upon completion of the trainings, please print and sign the Brown & Toland General Compliance and FWA Training Attestation. Please keep the signed attestation for your records as you will be required to provide it upon request to demonstrate completion of training in the event of an audit by CMS or our contracted health plans. Please do not send the attestation to Brown & Toland Physicians.

California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) requires providers to complete the mandatory Medi-Cal for Kids & Teens Provider Training annually. This covers the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) services for Medi-Cal members under the age of 21 years.

If you have any questions about these trainings, please contact the Compliance Department at

Reporting Compliance Concerns to Altais

If you have any compliance concerns, such as HIPAA or patient privacy incidents or  instances of suspected fraud, waste, and abuse, please report these concerns to:

The Compliance Department

U.S. Mail:
Altais Medical Group
P.O. Box 72710
Oakland, CA 94612-8910
Attn: Compliance Department

Jimmy Holman
Compliance Counsel & Privacy Officer
Phone:  415-972-4268

Make an anonymous report

To communicate compliance concerns to Brown & Toland anonymously, please use one of the following methods:

Online: Go to and select the blue “make a Report” tab. This website is secure and is not part of the Brown & Toland Physicians website.
Phone: Call EthicsPoint toll-free at 888-201-7305.

The information you provide will be sent by EthicsPoint to Brown & Toland on a totally confidential and anonymous basis if you so choose.